potty talk

20070913131246_plb_toilet_componentsdiagram1ok, as per the requests of jen and amanda, i’m moving on from the pet peeves to something new.  this post has been brewing in my drafts for a few weeks and it seems too perfect to pull out for these particular girls.

as every good mother should, my mom taught me that there are certain topics of conversation that are inappropriate at the dinner table.  matters of the  bathroom was one of those topics.  so, if you happen to be at the dinner table, or whatever your 2009 version of that is, i’d suggest you skip this post and save it for another time.


that said, if you’re anywhere else, read on…

joy and i were chillin out max at starbucks the other weekend, reading, chatting, and waiting for one of her friends.  since i’m always double-fisted when i’m there, balancing my coffee intake with water, it never fails that i have to use the bathroom at least once per visit.

when i got settled into this bathroom, the whole toilet wobbled.  ugh.  i hate when this happens.  i know it’s because the stinkin thing isn’t sealed correctly however it makes me feel like a whale and fear falling off or, even worse, in.  of course a whale couldn’t fit in the toilet, so that one’s completely irrational.  😉

lest you should think i’m going back to pet peeves, it was there, wobbling as i went, that i thought 1–i need to share this with my online friends and 2–heck, there are other bathroom things i’ve noticed as of recent that i could share as well and make a whole post out of it!

two things:

1. as a girl, i feel the normal pangs of frustration and inconvenience when i go to the bathroom and find the seat up.  this sort of thing begins at a young age when you don’t time things well since you’re still discovering your holding it capabilites and you have to go so bad you run in and sit down, completely unaware that your brother or dad didn’t put the seat down again until your little, pre-whale bum splashes into the excretion you’ve deposited below.  yuck?  absolutely.
so, while the female desire for the seat to be down may morph into the rationale that both genders actually use it while it’s down so returning it to the home position makes it (potentially) more useful, it all started because we didn’t want to sit in our pee.  can you blame us?
anywho…as of late, i’ve become less annoyed with the seat being up because i’ve found that in public restrooms, it often guarantees me a freshly cleaned potty.  such a thing is prized when the majority of the females using the potties i frequent daily have to stretch their legs to get on and off, leaving any and everything in their wake.

2. i’m a recycler; it’s true.  i have a pretty solid reputation for being one of the more recycling-conscience people among my circle of peers.  i’ve collected recycling from those who lacked at home pick-up, regualry take things home with me rather than throw them in the trash while i’m out, and have gone off-roading to make it to the recycling center that was blocked off by road construction.
other than tangible objects, i try to make good use of resources as well, like electricity and water.  it’s the latter that connects this passion to this post.
each flush of the toilet uses about 6 gallons of water.  considering that i drink a lot of water each day, those flushes can add up.  so, a while back…to start conserving a little water at home, i began to double flush.  i’d do this by asking joy, and a few other select friends, if they had to pee whenever i did.  if she said yes, i offered to share the flush.  if i got a “no” response, i’d hold it a little longer to wait for a better time for both of us.  after a little while, not only did joy begin to return the favor by asking me when she had to go, but i got to the point where i even doubled up on my own.  of course, this has caused me to start cleaning my toilets with more frequency but that can’t be a bad thing, right?

i don’t always remember to do this.  if you hear a yell from that bathroom, it most likely means i forgot.  and, i think it would be nice to invest in one of the double-flush toilets or maybe one of these (haha) but until then, every little flush counts!

and before you go and think that i’m gross, let me assure you that i’m not alone.  heck, there’s even a little saying to go with this sort of lifestyle: if it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown flush it down. (i personally think that is gross but it makes me chuckle nonetheless.)

for your reading pleasure:
~why this is important in america
~treehugger.com gives some advice on how to jump on the non-flushing cool kids without scaring people
~and i just thought this conversation was funny

all that to say that now, when i enter a public restroom and find that the person before me forgot to flush, while i may still be completely disgusted by what they left behind, a part of my heart can’t help but leap for joy at the thought that we worked together to save some water and make the world a better place.

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18 Responses to potty talk

  1. Dave says:

    WOW.. just WOW.. Again.. The layers of Lissie are just peeling back.

    When I started reading I was worried that there would be a long list of Amandabethan like rules and regulations, but I am happy to report that I got these covered.

    1. Growing up, I was the only boy AND the youngest in a house with 3 older women. Latinas at that!! I was beaten regularly until I learned 2 unbreakable rules. Always put the seat down and Always open the car door for the lady first. PERIOD… End of Story. I cant recall the last time I broke either of those rules (yes I live alone and yes I put the seat down. Estella might be gone, but she is still watching and the last thing I need is a flip flop from the afterlife smacking me in the head.

    2. I am a believer in Yellow=Mellow/Brown=Flush it down. I was initially shocked to read this on Lissie’s blog since we all know that girls don’t poop, but I assume she was talking about male guests so I’m OK now. 🙂

    I do this at home often but there are rules. If I have just had coffee with it’s lovely Sugar Smacks bouquet… It’s gotta go.

    Also.. if we are.. *ahem* mellowing.. the lid has to be down.

    And finally.. if there is a female around, flush it down. I’m far too modest in that arena to share my flush. Sorry. Can’t do it. I know that’s old skool but it is what it is. Sorry ladies.

    *pondering* Did I just write a huge post about piss on Lissie’s blog? *shakes head and rubs eyes*

    Does this mean the honeymoon is over? 😛

  2. Amanda says:

    Okay, first of all — I love this post, because let’s face it…I am the queen of talking about gross stuff and loving every minute of it!! LOL

    J and I always ask each other when heading to pee — if the other one doesn’t have to go right then…just let it sit b/c inevitably 10 minutes later the other one will have to go. 🙂 Since I am home all day by myself, I will sometimes go 2-3 times before I will flush b/c #1 no one is home, #2 it is my own pee and I don’t have a problem with it and #3 b/c I can. Now, if there is anything other than pee, it gets flushed so I guess in the end I am a firm believer and practicer of the Yellow Mellow, Brown Flush it Down.

    Oh and on the seat issue — J is great!! He will wipe down the toilet ring and then put the seat down…he loves me so much, I know!! ha ha!

    On a sidenote: DAVE!!! I have consistently said that my pee smells like Sugar Smacks after I drink coffee — and people think I am crazy!!!!! I am glad to finally see I am not alone. sigh. I feel so much better now. ha ha!

  3. Amanda says:

    I forgot to add that J putting the seat down is not b/c I instituted any Amandabethan rules and regulations for proper toilet etiquette either…LOL

  4. Jen says:

    Wow- I agree with Dave on one thing at least- we really ARE seeing the many deeper layers of Lissie here lately. And, as Shrek would say, I am not sure if it is more like a cake or an onion. I have no problem with this topic though, dinner table or otherwise. After having kids and wiping butts other than my own for 6+ years, I am pretty much over the grossness.
    Maybe it is because I am new to Austin and haven’t yet adopted the save-the-planet attitude that runs so rampant here (probably becuse I am too busy being OCD about so many other things and can’t add anything else to my list just now), but I have honestly never thought of conserving water by sharing a flush. never. ever.
    However, I live with an innately environmentally-conscious 6-year-old boy who was terrified of flushing until the last couple of years. Seriously, he would SHAKE trying to get the handle down far enough to induce a flush. (he still does this in public bathrooms where you never know how loud the flush might be, and he has been known to ask over and over and over whether it is going to be a “quiet potty”) That said, he pretty much avoids flushing any time he can get away with it. Rare is the night that I go in for my bedtime potty break that I don’t find whatever he left there 2 hours earlier when he went to bed. Good job, Elias- way to conserve!
    Btw, he also has been talking obsessively about how we REALLY need to start recycling. He regularly gives me an entire speech about how I need to call the garbage company and have them bring me a recycle container. Now I know where all that came from!

  5. lissie says:

    oh, i love it. thanks for sharing, guys.
    yes, perhaps you’ve gotten to another layer of lissie but it was only a matter of time.

    what dave says about girls pooping is funny. on a scale of poop-talk frequency, i’d say i join the girls on the higher end. however, my guy friends are mostly unaware because for reasons unbeknownst to me, i draw the line there. maybe it’s one of the unladylike things my mom told me not to do that actually stuck; i don’t know. i don’t talk about my bathroom habits with them and i am not gonna start. my brother–yes, the rest of them–no.
    i believe that the things discussed in this post are within the realm of acceptable to share across genders but it won’t really get more personal than that.

    oh wait…yes it will. i drink more than my share of coffee and i have NO idea what you two are talking about. so there you have it. lissie’s pee has never smelled of sugar smacks. i’ve never actually had nor smelled sugar smacks but i know my pee never smells like that anyway. that’s just weird. =)

  6. David Moore says:

    Wow… we really are talking about this.

    At home
    yellow goes outside unless it’s raining (good thing about being in the country), and every bowl use gets a flush.

    In public:
    Urinal, no flush.
    For the bowl, First, Seat is wiped down once and toilet is flushed (this prevents a clear mellow from splashing back), next, seat gets wiped again to make sure no water splashed up during flushing, and finally it is flushed once more afterwards.

  7. knuckles says:

    Whenever I think potty humor, I think of the “upper deck” and the “dry dock.” Ahhahahahah. Sooooo funny.

    Btw, http://www.urbandictionary.com would be your friendly resource on that one. 😉

    I’m soooo gross. 😀

    hahah. 😛

  8. lissie says:

    i completely agree with knuckles…he IS so gross! thanks for those things i wish were not in my head.

    and something i’ve learned from phenomenal stats the past few days: everyone likes reading about the potty. few will venture to comment, but a lot of people like it.
    so, to those who did comment: way to be brave and put yourself out there. i, as well as many, many others, have enjoyed it.

  9. Tracy says:

    I am very much stuck on how disturbing the toilet/washing machine combo is:

    Picture yourself in your normal laundry habits– just how many times do you drop a sock or a pair of undies on the ground…. and now put that target area right on your toilet… and you live with someone who doesnt remember to put the seat down! Gross!

    Then you have to wash it AGAIN- with probably that extra rinse cycle because you are so grossed out- which WASTES water… defeats to purpose…

    officially a bad idea.

  10. lissie says:

    T-i am glad you mentioned that incredible machine and way to be thinking things though. you bring up a great hazard.

  11. lissie says:

    my mom let me know that the last toilet i purchased for my house was a 1 gallon flusher.
    separately, kevin told me he thought most toilets use one gallon per flush.
    wiki was wrong.

  12. knuckles says:

    My toilet, built in 1983, still uses 6 gallons per flush, and I’m proud to use ever ounce of it.

  13. Mom says:

    Actually, you were both right. Older toilets (the ones that flush everything down in one flush) used more water…up to 6 gallons per flush. The newer ones use anywhere from 1 to 2.5 gallons depending on the age and style of the commode.

  14. Dave says:

    Wow.. you really CAN learn something new everyday! I’ll be darned.

  15. knuckles says:

    This is why I use the toilets at work so frequently. Or the gym’s. Or Starbucks’s. Or whenever I’m out and about. Or the roadside tree. Or the golf course tree off the 13th hole. Using the toilet at home is just not environmentally friendly. 😛

  16. lissie says:

    that’s the spirit! i knew, or at least hoped, you had it in you. =)
    and…if you use the bathroom at starbucks, that means you go there. this just keeps getting better! 😉

  17. WIP says:


    This made me chuckle more than you can ever imagine. “on a scale of poop-talk frequency, i’d say i join the girls on the higher end. however, my guy friends are mostly unaware because for reasons unbeknownst to me, i draw the line there. maybe it’s one of the unladylike things my mom told me not to do that actually stuck; i don’t know. i don’t talk about my bathroom habits with them and i am not gonna start. my brother–yes, the rest of them–no.” Both brother would tell you I talk frequently of such topics and yet, when my roommate came to visit more recently, they came out with me to meet one of my male friends. I had to tell them they could tell whatever stories they wanted, but any and all stories related to potty talk that we had shared were off limits.

  18. lissie says:

    i’m glad someone knows what i’m talking about.

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